Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Houdini is Dead

As an escapist, I have one trap I can wriggle out of....
and that's a looming deadline.

It's almost September.
I've wasted my whole summer being scared of failing
and now, whether or not I'm scared, I have to leap and apply to jobs.
I have to start knocking on doors and calling in favors.
Uuggghhh..I just want my life to start moving somewhere again.
Despite what my parents think, this summer would have been better had I found a job.
Now I'm scrambling and trying to get everything done at the same time.

Ah well...
at least this week I've been productive.
I pruned my resume from 2 pages to one so it's much more compelling
plus I designed it so it actually looks nice.
I also sent out several emails applying for my 1st tier jobs so, fingers crossed!
I decided I shouldn't be so cautious and the worst that could happen is that they just don't reply and in that case, I'll just go ahead with my original promotion plan.
Even getting an intern job would be great...b/c then I could take some marketing classes and driving lessons and feel like I'm doing something with my life instead of wasting time escaping.
I've been working on my portfolio box w/ Vince and Jarek has promised to help me w/ my website which would be awesome....but I have to think of my priorities.

I finally took a freelance job for a reasonable sum..
I also promised my thesis mentor I'd help at the university fair (paid!)...
If I pick up another well-paid freelance job, I was thinking of putting it towards a trip... L.A. perhaps? I'd love that. My parents would not.
My chances for anything to do with my parents would be much more positive if I get a job.

I am fixating....


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