Friday, August 22, 2008

I have an interview with a priest

God has a funny sense of humour.

So...I'm Catholic.
A practicing Roman Catholic.
I'm not one of those crazy, banging on your door, trying to convert you, kind of Catholic...but I go to church every Sunday and try to be a good person when I can.
Key word: try.

My religion is not something that I really discuss with people. I'm not ashamed of it, I just don't see the point discussing it with someone. Nothing anyone can say to me will make me not be Catholic. I've been teased for it. Mocked even. By people I consider friends. It never makes me mad though. Other people have different beliefs. It kind of reminds me of when I got mocked in elementary school for being Chinese. Okay. That's a bit different. That was malicious. Not to mention racist. The point is that there was no point wishing to be something other than Chinese. That's who I am and I don't want to be anything other than that. The same goes for being Catholic. Just because it's something I technically, could change (at least more easily than my ethnicity) I wouldn't. So...I believe. I understand that I believe in God and there are people who don't. I don't mock people for not believing.
That's who they are and this is who I am.

Being the person I am and believing what I believe, last night I prayed.
Yea....I'm a big stress ball.
I prayed that God would help me find a good couldn't hurt, right? my mom found me a job.
It is at 'Salt + Light Television.'
It's a Catholic Media Foundation, whatever that means.
It's filled with priests in training.
Pretty nice location and office though....

This is the job God found me.
Did I mention that my mom volunteers at the church?
God is laughing at me.
He is pointing and laughing.

I kind of dig his sense of humour.
*shakes head*


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