Monday, April 5, 2010

Fear & Dealing

When you're afraid, whether it be fear from performing a ridiculous duet in front of an auditorium full of people or from not finishing a big project on time, or whatever, I have some advice.

Let yourself feel it.

Don't repress it. Don't shy away from it. Don't try to be anything other than what you are in that moment. Be afraid! Allow yourself a minute (or five) and feel that fear as much as there is, full force! Do whatever it is you do when you're scared, cry, laugh, whatever works. But only allow yourself that 5 minutes then take a HUGE breath then quickly let it whoosh out (yes, "whoosh" is the scientific term). Then do what you need to do.

The thing about fear is that we have to face it, eventually. That's why we're so afraid. It's inevitable. Whether we're afraid or not.

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