Monday, February 15, 2010

Blog 2.0

So yea...
I know no one reads this blog and I don't even post the link up anywhere for bored facebook stalkers to find but I have a lot of things I want to share! I just get so inspired by things all the time that it's all spilling out of me but nothing productive gets done with it. I'm in this really interesting time in my life that would be so much more helpful if I posted it here. I have a whole moleskine filled to the brim with information, research, inspiration, artists, designers, etc...and I've actually, on occasion, photocopied sections of it for friends to help them with their own job search. Posting that information here is just more efficient. I think I was reluctant to share this link with anyone b/c what I posted before was too personal, like I was writing a diary for people to read and in the end, it's not really all that helpful (or interesting) to anyone but me (that's a lie, I get bored w/ myself too).

wow! It takes me a long time to say a whole lot of nothing.

I promise I'll try to be more succinct from now on as I attempt to transform myself into a social networking designer extraordinaire!! Yeah, good luck with that, right? In an effort to ensure that I blog more often than every couple of months (because then what's the point) I intend to design some sort of header or look for this page. That's the thing though. What good are intentions if that's all they end up being?


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