Friday, April 16, 2010

Sharing Is Caring Manifesto

Do you ever have things that you mean to do but never get around to doing it because you keeping saying "Oh, I'll do [insert whatever you want to do] as soon as I....." For example, I want to write more often in my sad, lonely, little blog but I keep saying to myself "I'll write more frequently in my blog as soon as I design the header." That was....a hypothetical example of course ;)


Will it ever happen? Tune in and find out if Teri ever gets around to doing half of what she wants to do. Although, apparently I've accomplished practicing the annoying habit of talking in the third person.

Sigh x 10.

So many excuses. Oh, I work all day so I'm tired. I have to exercise. I'm busy. Blah blah blah. The world is full of excuses but don't beat yourself up over it. Just try to do one thing a day and then celebrate the small victories of life! This is my small victory of the day, writing this blog. It is a promise to myself that I will TRY to write once a week. Then maybe I will write twice a week, and so on.

When I think about the kind of person I want to be, a big thing is, I want to be someone who does what they say they're going to do, 100% of the time (not just 50%). I also want to be dynamic and inspirational! No, I don't have Mother Teresa, or ever Oprah-like, aspirations. I just want to share. You live, you learn. A lot of the times we're going about our own lives, caught up in our own problems and feel so alienated and isolated, not realizing that there are tons of people experiencing the same problems and it would really help if we just shared more. I am, by no means, a wise person, but I may know things that other people do not and that's why I want to write this blog. To share what I've learned yearly, monthly, weekly.....whatever! Whether it's featuring a photographer that I find inspirational or an exhibit that was interesting or a book that was hilarious.....knowlege should be shared! No matter how trivial.

I am an information monger. I crave knowlege! I want to know! Questions will pop in my head and I will go on the internet and type it in a search engine to find the answer. Curiosity at it's finest! I not only chase information, but I greedily hoard it into a nondescript moleskine. In Stefan Sagmeister's book Sagmeister: Made You Look, he said that one of the smartest things he ever did in business was keep a business diary. So in my moleskine, I write down everything: ideas for future projects, how I feel in my job, my aspirations as a designer; as a creative individual, company profiles that I admire, artists, how to give a good interview, how to prepare for a portfolio review, etc...

So in the spirit of sharing (and for the benefit of other information mongers) I am writing this blog. Even if I'm the only one reading it ;P


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