Sunday, April 25, 2010

About Me

I have to leave for hot yoga in 5 mins so I'll make this quick.

I'm in the process of forcing myself to make my website happen in the next month or so and therefore I've been researching other designers' sites. I hate when people have really bland 'about' pages that tell me next to nothing about themselves. Why have the page at all if you're just going to be curt and vague?

Maybe it's just the information monger in me that wants to know more! But mostly I think it's because I've always been more interested in the process than in the end result. I'll think a piece is beautifully done but if there's no rationale to go w/ it, it slips through my mind like a colander. Odd metaphor, I know. I want to know why the piece looks like that. What reasoning?! That's what makes design so interesting to me, it's the solution that made the most sense to that person and I want to know why they went that route over all the many possibilities.

It's the same w/ bio/about pages. To me it's like understanding the process of that person, what interests and things that they enjoys that affects what they do.

Anyways....time for hot yoga!


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