I am so sorry for neglecting you.
Today I have pinpointed a problem of mine.
Oh, you're ignoring me. I guess I deserve that.
Well, I'm going to tell you anyways.
Problem: I delay starting things (i.e. blogging) b/c I think it'll be too time consuming.
I am a personal time hoarder.
I can't help it!
I wake up, take the ttc to work (1hr there, 1hr back),
get out of work at 5:30-ish then I get home, eat, shower, exercise then it's almost time to sleep!
So I feel like passing out in front of the t.v. passively for my last "free" hour.
Ok, you're right.
I'll try harder.
Here's a peace offering.

Model: Chris Rutkowski
MUA & Hair Stylist: Marcia Garnes
Photography & Post Process: Teri Yeung
I got something done! Woo!