So funny. This is a slide that Saul Griffith, an inventor, kicked off his presentation at an AIGA event, Compostmodern.
I swear, this is what I was thinking all second year at OCAD when I was sitting in my Think Tank class and we were going around the room and people were saying why they got into design. People actually said it was to "change the world." Really? Seriously. So it wasn't just because you were the best artist in your highschool and you liked to doodle in the margins of your notebook? I dunno...maybe they were being sincere....but I doubt it.
I'm not saying that design doesn't have the power to change the world; influence it...but it sounded so insincere and poseur in that class. It is the equivalent of pageant queens saying they want "world peace."
Anyways, that's just me being a bit cynical :P